Bass Strait 2 - Mistral Floating Wind Farm

Failed Proposal
4000 MW Capacity
08 Jul 2022: Mistral Energy with its consortium partners Deloitte Australia and Clough, is to develop and deliver 11 GW of floating offshore wind capacity built out over 10 years, with the initial phase totalling 2.5-3.5  GW using 15 MW turbines. First power could be achieved as early as 2029. Planned to be in 70-250m water depths in Bass Strait and offshore Gippsland in Victoria. Export will be directed to onshore and offshore hydrogen production for industrial energy security and export applications. In addition, the project sees the opportunity for co-location of aquaculture and biodiversity projects as adding value to the differentiated positioning of Mistral Energy’s offshore wind farm development in selected offshore locations. Mistral Energy looks forward to participating in the first round of Feasibility Licence applications that will be run under the new Offshore Electricity Infrastructure legislation off Victoria. Mistral Energy with its consortium partners Deloitte Australia and Clough, is to develop and deliver 11 GW of floating offshore wind capacity built out over 10 years. Mistral acts as consortium lead. Deloitte is key advisor on stakeholder and investor relations, and governance and regulatory management. Clough is the EPCI partner for local contract work packages, project management services and development support. Mistral has also identified sites in Newcastle and Illawarra, NSW and Perth and Kwinana, WA. But as license areas are concentrated in Victoria they will concentrate efforts there first.
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(-39.427) Lon(146.910)

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