
Development Zone
2000 MW Capacity
01 Sep 2023: Preliminary Draft of the 2024 Area Development Plan was published in September 2023. Space has been allocated to meet 40-50GW by 2035 and 70GW by 2045. The FEP is expected to be finalised mid-2024. Tender for Area N-12.4 is planned for 2026, under the non-examined mechanism, for commissioning 2033 and via NOR-12-3 grid connection. The North Sea areas N-6, N-9, N-12 and N-13 are expanded to include the designated areas N-6.8, N-9.4, N-9.5, N-12.4, N-12.5, N-13.4 and N-13.5 . The areas N-13.3, N-13.4 and N-13.5, with a combined output of 4 GW, are not included included in the tender plans to 2035 as the grid connection system must be determined. The area N-14 is the first within the SN10 shipping route to be defined. Areas beyond N-14 are also mentioned for continued expansion but not yet fully defined in the tender schedule. The FEP specifies border corridors (where cable routes cross the EEZ and territorial sea. The FEP states existing corridors IN, N-II, N-III, N-IV, N-V could be sufficient to meet 4 GW (two cable systems) annually to 2038. There is a need for new border corridors to be defined. It was discussed in the FEP as to whether capacity of N-9.4 and N-9.5 should be 1 or 2 GW considering the high power density and its impacts on production. However, a reduction in capacity would still need to be compensated for by defining areas elsewhere. BWO advocates reducing buildout to 1 GW and calls for a review of tendering schedule in order to minimise shading effects and reductions in generation. For instance, it suggests that areas N-9.4 and N-9.5 should be developed later so that a higher yield can be achieved in areas N-9.1, N-9.2 and N-9.3. But to do so would require accelerated expansion in farshore sites >N-14 earlier than scheduled. The draft does not comment on tenders for other energy generation areas or development of energy islands/hub concepts. According to the FEP the regulation on the allocation of other energy production areas in the exclusive economic zone (SoEnergieV) is currently being revised.
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(54.908) Lon(5.949)

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